Thursday, November 01, 2007

Never saw all this in one place.

Ya know? I saw a lot of these things happening, and I didn't think too much of it, but seeing all these back-to-back really makes you wonder.

And now something for the technorati RP searchers; Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul!

I wait on bated breath for the inevitable pro RP comment spam.


blogagog said...

I think I'm switching to being a Ron Paul supporter. Politicians seem to all be sleazy. Let's try a crazy one for a change!

Fletch said...

Blogi, you never cease to amuse...

No Names Necessary said...

The Media might be afraid of him...but Nazis and 9-11 Truthers sure aren't.

It's like a Bizarro Yalta.